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The Expert's Guide to Driving a Man Wild (A Bluebonnet Novel) Page 4

She grinned, looking far more mischievous and like her old self. “You can’t look so freaked out when I kiss you.”

  “I didn’t look freaked out.”

  She gave him a wide-eyed, startled expression, pantomiming him receiving her kiss.

  “Bullshit. That wasn’t me.”

  “I’m afraid it’s true,” she said with a fake sigh. “You’re not a very good actor.”

  Grant gave her a challenging look. “Do we need to practice?”

  She gave him an impressed look and, hell, he was impressed at himself for saying it, but now that it was out there, he was curious to see how she’d react.

  Brenna gestured for him to close the space between them. “Wouldn’t hurt to have a bit of prep before dinner.”

  All right, then. He moved closer to her, noticing that she smelled a bit like a light, flowery perfume. Did she always smell that sweet and he’d never noticed? Or was this more stuff borrowed from Miranda? Grant stood in front of her for a moment and gave her an expectant look. “Well?”

  “Well, what? You’re the one who suggested practice. You need to kiss me.” She exaggerated her face into a pucker and tilted it up for him.

  This sounded like a challenge. He’d kiss her, and he’d kiss her until her toes curled. Grant put an arm around her waist, tugging her close against him. Her arms wrapped around him to catch herself and while she steadied her feet, he leaned down and lightly brushed his thumb over her lips. “Be serious, Brenna.”

  Her mouth relaxed and she got all soft-looking, her lips parting as she glanced up at him. Ah hell, she was great at this pretending shit. She really looked as if she wanted nothing more than for him to kiss her.

  Good. He’d oblige her, pretending or not. He leaned in and tilted his mouth over hers, ever so gently kissing her mouth. It’d been five years since he’d kissed a woman. He was probably rusty. She tasted sweet, her lips hinting of cherries, and he gently sucked at her upper lip, nipping at it with soft, gentle kisses as if she were the most delicate, most precious thing he’d ever held in his arms. Over and over, making love to her upper lip.

  Kissing Brenna was incredible. He loved how she felt in his arms, all soft and pliant. He could get used to this, he decided. And when she made a soft noise in her throat that sounded like pleasure, he decided he needed more than just a little lip-brushing.

  That was when he decided to deepen the kiss. His tongue slicked over her parted lips, darting into her mouth, waiting to see if she’d resist him. She felt amazing in his arms, warm and curvy and so fucking pretty that he wanted to clear off the rest of his desk and drop her up there and see how far they’d take this pretense.

  Her tongue flicked against his in response, and he felt her arm twine around his neck.

  Hell, yes. Grant’s kiss became harder, deeper. His tongue stroked into her mouth with possessive ownership. If this kiss was a battle between them, he was unquestionably the conqueror. Over and over he stroked into her mouth, kissing her with all the passion he could muster, and she was responding to him, making soft little noises in her throat, her hands digging into his hair.

  And then he pulled away from her, panting. “How was that? Better?”

  She stared up at him, her parted lips still wet from his kiss. “That,” she said, and her voice sounded breathy and sexy as hell, “was pretty damn good.”

  “So do you think I need more practice?”

  Her gaze went to his mouth as if she were considering it hard, and he felt a surge of masculine pride at her dazed expression. “Nah, I think you’re okay.”

  “Great.” He released her and was gratified when she stumbled, just a bit, as if she’d lost her balance without him propping her up. “You all right?”

  “I’m fine,” she said in that same breathless voice, then reached over and grabbed some Kleenex, offering it to him. “And you’re wearing my lip gloss.”

  “Maybe I should leave it on. Part of the charade and all.”

  She shook her head and moved forward to wipe it off him herself. “There’s a difference between charade and cross-dresser.”

  “Very funny.” He held still while her fingers moved over his mouth, the small gesture oddly intimate between the two of them.

  She winked at him, all mischief again. “I know. I’m a funny girl.”

  The moment was over, and gone with it, any awkwardness. “Shall we go to dinner, then?” He offered her his arm.

  She put her hand into the crook of his arm. “We taking my car?”

  “No, we’re taking mine. I told Pop that I’d misplaced the fuel pump switch. He got it fixed this afternoon.”

  “Misplaced, huh?”


  “Did he believe that?”

  “Not really.”

  She laughed, as if pleased with her sabotage. “It was either that or sugar in your gas tank.”

  “Brenna,” he said warningly.

  “I wouldn’t,” she said in a light voice. “Promise. Now, dinner?”


  He was unable to stop staring at her all through dinner.

  The Brenna he normally worked with might have been a huge pain in the ass, but she could be charming when she wanted to be. She’d sat across from him, between his mother and his sister, and had dominated the conversation, telling everyone quite enthusiastically about the business and the number of clients they had, and some of the funnier stories that had come out of Wilderness Survival Expeditions so far. She’d even name dropped a little, detailing out some of their more successful and high-profile clientele, which his mother had been impressed with.

  And Grant had simply watched her in surprised pleasure. That Brenna would be easy with his family wasn’t so unthinkable—she didn’t have an unfriendly bone in her body. But that she would chat about the business and its success as if proud of it and him? He didn’t understand it.

  “I’m just glad you’re happy, son,” his father said in a low voice to him, and patted Grant on the back. “That’s all your mother and I have ever wanted.”

  “Business is going great,” Grant said, relaxing as they fell back on an easier topic. “We’re expanding what we offer so we can keep busy year-round, and I’m looking forward to what next year brings.”

  Reggie glanced at Brenna. “I meant her, son. But I’m glad the business makes you happy, too.”

  “Oh.” He nodded at his father, because he wasn’t sure what else to say. “Yes. Her also.”

  “So how did you two finally get together?”

  Grant took his eyes off the laughing, smiling Brenna and glanced back at his father. “Hmm?”

  The elder Markham grinned at his son. “She’s your secretary, right? How’d you two finally go from working together to dating?”

  “Oh. Uh.” Grant reached for his drink, his throat suddenly dry. He hadn’t given this much thought. Shit. They should have discussed this earlier, but instead, he’d been goading her into kissing him again. “It’s kind of a boring story.”

  The women’s conversation came to a lull as dinner plates were cleared and they turned to focus on the men. “What are you boys talking about?” Justine asked with a smile.

  “I was just asking him how he and Brenna got together,” Reggie said. “He’s being a little cagey about it.”

  “Maybe we should ask Brenna,” Justine said with a small smile.

  Brenna shrugged her shoulders as Grant took another sip of his drink. “I got him drunk.”

  He choked on the mouthful of water and began to cough.

  Elise gave a quiet giggle and his mother looked appalled for a long moment. “You what?”

  “I got him drunk. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your son’s a little bit uptight. I needed to loosen him up so I could have my way with him, so I gave him a few jiggers of whiskey and seduced him.”

  They al
l stared at her.

  “I’m kidding,” she said gleefully. “It’s nothing too special, actually. He asked me out after work one night and that was the end of it. No great story, other than he’s a little shy at times.”

  Relieved laughter echoed around the table, and Grant shot a glare at Brenna, who gave him her sweetest smile. She lifted the cherry out of her mixed drink and bit down on it seductively, then winked at him.

  That made him think of the kiss they’d shared earlier and the soft noises she’d made in her throat as she’d molded her body against him. Ah hell, now he was getting hard. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, then took another long drink of water.

  His sister smiled over at him. Elise was always a little quiet, and tonight she seemed even more so, content to let the vivacious Brenna steer the conversation.

  Grant scooted his chair closer to his sister. He hadn’t talked to her in a while and didn’t realize until now how much he’d missed her. “How are things with you, Elise?”

  She smiled, her expression a little shy. “I’m good. Nothing exciting going on with me.”

  “You seeing anyone?”

  She shook her head, her long hair falling in front of her face. “Of course not.”

  Poor Elise never dated. She seemed shy to the point of painfulness around most men, and had never had a date until long after high school was over. He didn’t know if she’d ever dated anyone seriously. He’d been too wrapped up in his own life. It was a shame—his sister was one of the most generous, most loving people he’d ever met. She was pretty, too. Just really damn shy and self-conscious. “You’ll find the right guy,” he told her.

  She gave him a half smile. “I’m not wasting away from loneliness, if that’s what you’re trying to imply. I keep busy with my photography.”

  “How’s that going?”

  “Great,” she said, and her cheeks flushed with enthusiasm. “I have a friend who’s on the editorial board of a women’s magazine, though, and I wanted to talk to you about doing a pictorial on the men who work for you. It’d be good publicity.”

  “Through a women’s magazine?”

  “Women can go on survival trips, too, can’t they?” She arched a brow at him. “And women have husbands and boyfriends. It’s just to get your name out there—”

  “Oh my God,” Brenna interrupted, leaning in toward Elise. “Did he say yes yet? Because he totally wants to say yes. Is this a pictorial where we get to rub the men with leaves and mud and watch them flex their six-packs? Dane has the most amazing six-pack.”

  Grant frowned at Brenna.

  “Oh, don’t look at me like that,” she said in a light voice, and reached over to pat his hand. “You look very nice without your shirt, too. But I don’t know how you’ll feel about getting all muddy for this.”

  “She didn’t say anything about mud, Bren.”

  “Actually, it’d be fun if we could do something along those lines,” Elise said with a smile. “We could do some test shots and I could send them off to my friend and see if it’s something the magazine would be interested in.”

  He shook his head. “Dane might be up for it, but Colt would kill me if I even suggested it.”

  “It’s a good thing that Beth Ann can be on hand to do hair and makeup,” Brenna said. “If Colt wants to supervise her getting these men all dirtied up, he’ll have to participate.”

  “These men? It’s me, Colt, Dane, and Pop.”

  “And whoever the new guy is,” Brenna said. “I’ll pick someone pretty, don’t you worry.” She winked at him flirtatiously.

  “We need someone who can actually conduct survival classes.”

  “Fine. We can pick someone pretty and just fire them after the photo shoot,” Brenna said easily. “I’ll just tell them that pretty people can’t be qualified for the job we need them for, and they can take it up with you if they have a problem.”

  “Brenna,” he said in a warning tone.

  Elise looked back and forth at them and edged her chair out a bit, seeming amused. “Should I move? Do you two want to sit closer together?”

  “We’re just arguing,” he told his sister.

  “Sure you are,” Elise said smoothly. “Seems more like foreplay to me.”

  “Elise!” Justine gave a scandalized gasp. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  Elise rolled her eyes. “I’m twenty-five, Mother.”

  “We’re not arguing,” Brenna added. “And if anything has to be settled, we’ll settle it at home.” And she gave Grant a rather meaningful look.

  And damn it all if he didn’t get hard all over again. What was with him tonight?

  • • •

  By the time the dinner had ended, Grant was convinced that his parents believed he and Brenna were an item. He’d seen his mother eyeing Brenna’s purple hair and tattoos a few times, but they’d seemed to like her well enough. And as the evening had worn on, Brenna’s flirting had become more and more audacious. He’d flirted back, though he was reserved where she was bold and brassy.

  When they got back to the Peppermint House, Elise came running back out to the car before they could pull away. “There’s a leak in one of the upstairs bathrooms and my room is flooded. Can I stay with you guys tonight?”

  Grant exchanged a glance with Brenna. “There’s not an extra cabin.”

  “She could sleep on the couch in the main lodge,” Brenna said in a reasonable tone. “No one will bother her there.”

  He looked over at his sister and nodded. “Get your things. We’ll wait here.” As soon as she disappeared, he glanced over at Brenna. “We should just drive her to another hotel. You realize we’re both going to have to go into the same cabin now? To keep up the pretense?”

  She shrugged at him, yawning with a little pat of her hand over her mouth. “She’s family. She can stay with us. I can just head to your cabin with you, hang around for a few minutes and then sneak out the back to my cabin.”

  Elise returned a few minutes later, smiling, her tote over her shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, no problem,” Grant said, but he was feeling more tense by the minute. What was Elise going to expect from them when they got to the ranch? Were he and Brenna supposed to be affectionate and all over each other in front of her again? Elise was reserved, but if she thought something was going on, she’d mention it to the other Markhams.

  They pulled into the parking lot of the Daughtry Ranch, and Elise exclaimed in surprise as she exited the car. “Oh wow. Is this the ranch? The cabins are so pretty. I love this. It’s so picturesque.” She glanced around at the scatter of cabins. “There’s five cabins? I thought you said there wasn’t an extra cabin?”

  “My old one doesn’t have a bed in it,” Brenna said quickly. “It’s empty. We’re waiting for the new guy.”

  “Oh.” Elise seemed to accept that and shouldered her bag as they went inside.

  Brenna took the lead with Elise, showing her around the main lodge and into the kitchen, where they kept extra food and drink, since most of the cabins had only portable refrigerators. Grant went to his desk and immediately began to go through his email while the women talked, trying not to think about their upcoming exit. Would he have to kiss Brenna again in front of them? Why was that making him aroused just to think about? Damn it, he really needed to get his cock under control.

  While Elise explored the lodge, Brenna disappeared and returned a minute later with a blanket and pillow. She plumped them on the couch and then gestured at the makeshift bed. “Home sweet home.”

  “Thank you.” Elise glanced around at the room, then at the two of them. “Are you sure it’s not an inconvenience?”

  “Not at all,” Brenna said lightly, moving to his desk and leaning over his shoulder to turn off the power to his monitor. “Grant was just going to bed anyhow, weren’t you, boo?”
/>   Boo? The fuck? But as she’d leaned over, her breast had brushed his shoulder, and he’d forgotten everything but his ever-stiffening hard-on. “Yeah,” he said after a moment. “We’re off to bed.”

  His sister sat down on the edge of the couch. “What time should I be up in the morning?”

  “I’ll come wake you up,” Brenna volunteered.

  Elise glanced at the front door. “Do we need to lock it?”

  “Nah,” Brenna said, running a hand along Grant’s shoulders that was making him crazy with lust. It was an easy, casual motion of possession, but it was also driving him mad. He hadn’t had sex in five years and he hadn’t noticed the lack until now. Before today, any sexual thoughts had been mixed up with memories of Heather—and most of those memories weren’t pleasant. But today? He could think of nothing but Brenna and her lithe body and enticing smile. “No one will be by first thing in the morning except one of us or Pop. It’s no big deal.”

  “We should go,” Grant said to Brenna before his dick got any stiffer. “Elise needs to sleep.”

  “Night, Elise,” Brenna said. “See you in the morning.”

  Grant smiled awkwardly at his sister and then grabbed Brenna’s arm, dragging her in front of him as they headed toward the back exit of the lodge. His rising erection would be hidden if they left that way, which was good.

  As soon as they got outside, Brenna yawned and clung to his arm, resting her cheek there as they headed the hundred feet or so back to his cabin. Grant’s was the largest of the five cabins, and the most elaborate. The others were cabins, but his was a home, and he had it wired with all the fixings, including motion lights. One clicked on as they went up the path, illuminating them as they walked. If Elise were to look outside, she’d see the two of them snuggled close together, heading for his cabin. Like a regular couple.

  He pushed the door open and put a hand to the small of Brenna’s back, guiding her inside. When the door was shut behind them, he leaned on it, exhaling deeply. It felt like he’d just walked off stage. He was tenser than he realized with this relationship charade. Jesus. Weeks of this pretending was going to wreck him.